Isaacs Close, Street, Somerset

Client: Live West Homes
Contractor: Jones Building Group
Architect: Dunn Marino Associates
Employer’s Agent: Taylor Lewis
Value: £2.9m

Demolition of an existing residential care home and construction of 9 No. apartments and 7 No. bungalows for use as supported living units; including 2 No. fully adapted bungalows for wheelchair users.

The Client was keen to explore assistive technology installations that added value to the future tenants. Working closely with Possum, an innovative manufacturer/installer of assistive technology solutions, the dwellings were fitted out with home automation, wireless alarm call and digital inclusion technology; future proofing the properties to deliver supported living for the next generation.

To provide a secure living environment, wireless video door entry and networked concierge facilities were integrated into the assistive technology package. Enabling a tenant to receive a video door entry call, release/open the front door remotely or divert calls to the site office; all from an Android wireless device.
